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DeShawn White

DeShawn White

No Nudity
  • Keywords:
    No Nudity, Black, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body


The delicious DeShawn White is an actress best known for her work in Conversating While Black (2016), Pimp (2016), and Law & Order: SVU. DeShawn made her onscreen debut in the short film Making Heads or Tails (2013). DeShawn gets stripped and sexy in the Netflix series Jessica Jones. Based on the “Jessica Jones” Marvel comic books, the show follows a woman (played by Krysten Ritter) who was once a super hero but faced an insurmountable tragedy. She’s now trying to establish her own private detective agency and keep her life together, which proves to be nearly impossible when the evil Kilgrave shows back up. DeShawn shows some skin as a girl having a one night stand with one of the characters. She comes to the door to look for her lover wearing only a thin tank top and giving us a great look at those perfect pokeys and long, luscious legs! DeShawn’s superpower must be sexiness! 

TV Shows

Jessica Jones
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